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Privacy Policy
Made in LouisianaMade in the USA

We have created this privacy policy to inform you about what information this web site collects, who may receive that information, what we may do with the information, and how long we keep it. While we have made every attempt to make this policy as clear as possible, if you have any further questions about it, please contact us:

This site now has a automated privacy policy compatable with IE

Does this website use cookies to keep track of my information?

Yes, this website uses cookies to store your cart.

What types of information does this website collect?

We collect the following types of information:
  • Traditional contact information such as mailing address and phone number.
  • Internet contact information such email addresses.
  • Browser info like IP,Useragent and date.
Why is this website collecting the information?

We collect the information for the following purposes:
  • To complete the current activity of the visitor.
  • To track automated bots,abuse and spamers.
Who will receive the information?

The information on normal web users will not be shared with anybody except us and the shipper.
Information on anyone who abuses this system like bots or spamers will be shared with anyone we see fit.

How long will the information be kept?

Info will be purged every year or so.
Can I review my information?

Yes but only for the current orders that have not been purged.
You can not view weblogs and abuse tracking files

What if I think there are inaccuracies in my information?

If the info is incorrect contact us and we will change it.
BLANKET NOTICE of NO PRIVACY if you abuse our system.

The privacy policy is only for normal users. If you abuse or spam our system you get no privacy. Bots (automated processes) get no privacy and all info on people running them may be released to the web. Spammers also get no privacy and info will be released to help other block spam. No privacy for users running the abusive AVG site advisor bot.

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