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Custom Knitted Scarves

We are not taking orders at this time. All prices and checkout have been disabled.
To our old customers my mother Frances 75 who knitted all the scarves has died.
Both her amd me were Doctor fans which is how we got into this project.
In order for me to take any new orders I will have to learn how to use her knitting maching.
Right now everything is on hold.
Update 2012: to all of you who asked I just have not had the time to learn to use the nkitting machine yet
and I have not found anyone willing to knit scarves for me.
High Quality Grade A scarves made in the USA in Louisiana.
Online since 1997 we invented the long scarves.
We knit Dr Who and Wizard scarves. Custom
knitted made to order from your pattern or ours.
The place to knit to order your scarf